Look for Great When Hiring Employees

auto recycling team staff

Finding employees often starts, not with a job posting or a help-wanted ad, but with making sure people will understand your business.  Think about what your business culture has to offer employees because that will be your message.  Not sure how to answer that ask your employees why they work for you and what they enjoy most working for you.  Your company culture is the answer to the question, “Why would someone want to be part of my team?”

So, before you hang that sign in the window, take a few minutes and craft your business identity. When you’ve done that, be sure to convey that culture in whatever method you choose to find employees for your business.  That way, those prospective employees will know right away if you’re the kind of business they want to add to their career profile.

Some methods that have been successfully used are Job Board websites, maybe one managed by the state unemployment office.  It may seem old fashioned, but they still are the go-to sources for both employees and businesses.  Keep in mind that posting an ad no matter where can quickly (hopefully) bring in many responses so I would recommend setting up a separate email account just for this purpose.  Also be sure to not list your phone number.

Another more unique way to find employees, take a page from your nearby college, tech school or university playbook and organize a career day.  This will give potential candidates an opportunity to visit your business, talk with your team and experience your company culture, along with learning about the potential careers your business may offer.  If hosting at your facility does not appeal to you then look at ways to partner with other businesses.  I have seen many communities organizing career days so jump at the opportunity to be part of one of those programs.

Another idea might be asking your customers for potential leads.   Include a referral form (name and phone number/email address is enough) on the bottom of your receipts and have your cashiers mention that all responses will be entered for a chance to win a prize

Here’s the most important consideration when looking to fill a position look internally at your current employees – maybe even post the job listing on your employee bulletin board first.  You have employees that understand your business and culture so take full advantage of this first and foremost.  Not only is there the potential you have an employee there that can fill an opening, but they can also help spread the news that their company had job openings.

The best thing about any method you will use to finding employees is that you don’t have to constrain yourself to just one. Try two, three, or all to find out what works best for your business. Don’t hesitate to discard what doesn’t work and concentrate more on what does work.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!
